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This weekend the principal plaza at the Texcoco Fair 2011 was showered with mariachis, as well as northern Mexico and banda style music groups

Families were able to enjoy a pleasant evening and that is one of the staples of the Horse Fair at Texcoco, the biggest in the region..

It is now faster to get to the fair using the toll highway

By taking the recently opened stretch of the Circuito Exterior Mexiquense which leads from the town of Jorobas to Texcoco, and offers the option of joining said highway at Chimapa-Lecheria, Vialidad Mexiquense and Autopista Mexico-Queretaro, users are finding their transit times to the fair greatly decreasing.

The Horse fair takes place yearly from April 8th to May 1st. Entrance and public order are well managed. There are many activities to choose from. Here are a few:

El Coliseo (The coliseum)
Boxing bouts
No holds barred fighting

Teatro del Pueblo (Municipal Theater)
Folkloric dances
Children shows
Theater plays
Assorted singers and musical groups

The Palenque (where rooster fights take place) has the following entertainers on different dates:
Vicente Fernández
Alejandro Fernández
Jenni Rivera
and many more… check out the programme here: http://www.soymexiquense.com/informativos/54-feria-internacional-del-caballo-2011

La Plaza de Toros (Bullfighting Plaza)
Handcrafts showcase

Fair with mechanical games

and El Picadero

This show revolves entirely around horseback riding.
Jaripeo (Abilities showcase)
Lusitanian Exhibition
Lasso handling skills and escaramusas (female riders perfoming coreography on horseback while showcasing skill and traditional dress).

There is also an ample food court, where we recommend making sure prices are displayed openly to avoid any confusion on prices..
At the Silvero Perez Bullfighting plaza the following presentations will take place:
La Original Banda Limon on April 28th.
Moenia on April 27th
General admittance is $50 pesos

See us broadcast live on Saturday the 16th and Sunday the 17th of April at:
Live and recorded videos at:



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