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In the midst of popular dances and live popular music, the traditional San Martin Caballero Celebration took place in Huixquilucan.



This fair takes place on the last Saturday of January. It features concerts on Friday night prior to the official start of the celebration in the town. This year “Los Pequeños Musical” was the featured musical act.

This event honors San Martin Caballero, a saint dressed as a charro (Mexican cowboy). Several activities took place, among them dances, concerts, firework displays and the traditional “Concurso Nacional de Charreria” (Traditional National Typical Horseback Riding Contest).

Directly in front of the main church, the San Martin church, free concerts were offered which featured popular musical groups.

Lined along the street were food and traditional candy stands as well as a mechanical fair for children.

This event was set apart by the popular dances performed by those assisting the event. For the duration of the event 2 of 4 dancers performed surrounded by circles of onlookers.

On Friday the 28th, the following musical groups performed: Pequeño musical, Los Cardenales de Nuevo Leon, La Migra, Carro Show and Monte Carlo Show.

On Saturday the 28th, the National Charreria Contest was held and on Sunday several musical groups performed. There was also an electronic music event organized by “Sonido Sonoramico”, which was headlined by “Pablito Mix”.

The musical groups Banda Ahijados, La Morolense and Orgullo de mi Rancho also performed.



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